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Semiosmith is Bradley A. Smith, PhD (Linguistics, Macquarie University), BA (Honours 1st Class, Linguistics, Macquarie University). I have researched, taught, published and presented within the fields of linguistics, learning and teaching in higher education, and multimodal communication studies, in Australia, Singapore, India, China, Indonesia and Spain. I was Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore, and at Curtin University, Australia. I have co-authored a book on paralanguage, co-edited two academic volumes, and have had published numerous articles, book chapters and reviews, as well as two co-authored entries in the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (see Publications). Over two decades, I have edited PhD and Master's theses, as well as books, journal articles, reviews and reports, across a wide range of disciplines, including Accounting, Architecture and Design, Business, Early Childhood, Education, Finance, Geoscience, Global Studies, Health Sciences, International Studies, Law, Linguistics, Management, Marketing, Media and Communications, Politics, Psychology, and Semiotics.


My research is primarily in the areas of spoken language, the characteristics and uses of spoken and written language within different contexts, and the implications of shifts in modes of communication, in particular within the multimodal, digital age. 

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