Ngo, T., Martin, J. R., Hood, S., Painter, C., Smith, B. A. & Zappavigna, M. (2021) Modelling Paralanguage Using Systemic Functional Semiotics. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Bowcher, W. & Smith, Bradley A. (2014) Systemic Phonology Volume I: Recent Studies in English. London: Equinox.
O’Halloran, Kay L. & Smith, Bradley A. (eds.) (2011) Multimodal Studies: Exploring Issues and Domains. Routledge Studies in Multimodality Book Series. New York & London: Routledge.
Journal Articles/Refereed Conference Proceedings
Lundh, Anna Hampson and Smith, Bradley (2015) 'Two King Lears: The Meaning Potentials of Writing and Speech for Talking Books'. Proceedings from the Document Academy: Vol. 2 : Iss. 1 , Article 6. Available at:
Tan, S., Smith, Bradley A., O’Halloran, K. L. (2015) Online leadership discourse in higher education: A digital multimodal discourse perspective. Discourse and Communication 9(5): 559-584.
Smith, B. A., Tan, S., Podlasov, A. & O’Halloran, K. L. (2011) ‘Analyzing multimodality in an interactive digital environment: Software as metasemiotic tool’. Social Semiotics 21(3): 359-380.
O’Halloran, K. L., Tan, S., Smith, B. A., & Podlasov, A. (2011) Multimodal Discourse: Critical Analysis within an Interactive Software Environment. Critical Discourse Studies 8(2): pp. 109 – 125
Smith, B. A. (2010) ‘Spoken and written languages: Inside and outside of the classroom’. Languaging 2. Hyderabad: The English and Foreign Languages University.
O’Halloran, Kay L., Tan, S., Smith, B. A., & Podlasov, A. (2010) ‘Challenges in designing digital interfaces for the study of multimodal phenomena’. Information Design Journal 18(1): 2-12.
Podlasov A., O’Halloran K. L., Tan S., Smith B. & Nagarajan A., (2009) Developing Novel Multimodal and Linguistic Annotation Software. In Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL-IJCNLP2009. Suntec, Singapore, 6-7 August 2009. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company: 134-137.
Martinez-Lirola, M. & Smith, B. A. (2009) ‘The predicated Theme in Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country: A resource for written text’. Text and Talk 29(1): 1-20.
Chapters in Edited Books
O'Halloran, Kay. L., Tan, Sabine, Smith, Bradley A. (2016) Multimodal approaches to EAP. In K. Hyland and P. Shaw (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. Routledge: London & New York: Routledge: 256-269.
Smith, Bradley A. and Greaves, William S. (2015) Intonation. In J. Webster (ed.) Bloomsbury Companion to Halliday. London: Bloomsbury: 291-313.
Bowcher, W. & Smith, B. A. (2014) Introduction. In Bowcher, W. & Smith, B. A. (Eds.) Systemic Phonology Volume I: Recent Studies in English. London: Equinox: 1-24.
Smith, Bradley A., Fasciani, S & O’Halloran, K. L. (2014) Digital Phonology. In Bowcher, W. & Smith, Bradley A. Systemic Phonology Volume I: Recent Studies in English. London: Equinox: 295-323.
O’Halloran, K., Tisse, C-L and Smith, B.A. (2013) Challenges and Solutions to Multimodal Discourse: Technology, Theory and Practice. In (Eds.) F. Yan and J. J. Webster. Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Application. London: Equinox.
O’Halloran, K. L. and Smith, B. A, (2011) Multimodal studies. In K. L. O’Halloran & B. A. Smith (eds.) Multimodal Studies: Exploring Approaches and Domains. New York & London: Routledge: 1-13.
Smith, B. A. (2011) Speech and writing: Intonation within multimodal studies. In O’Halloran, Kay L. & Smith, Bradley A. (Eds.) Multimodal Studies: Exploring Issues and Domains. Routledge Studies in Multimodality Book Series. New York & London: Routledge: 39-54.
Online articles
O’Halloran, K. L., Christel-Loic Tisse, Alexey Podlasov, Bradley Smith, Stefano Fasciani, Avin Chua and Sabine Tan (2011) Multimodal Digital Semiotics (Featured Article). SemiotiX New Series: A Global Information Bulletin: Issue 4.
O’Halloran, K. L. and Smith, B. A. (2010) Multimodal Semiosis, Multimodal Semiotics: Digital Technologies and Techniques for Studying Multimodal Communication (Featured Article). SemiotiX New Series: A Global Information Bulletin: Issue 1.
Encyclopedia Entries
O’Halloran, K. L. and Smith B. A. (2012) Multimodal Text Analysis. In Carol A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
O’Halloran, K. L. and Smith B. A. (2012) Multimodality and Technology. In Carol A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Invited Reviews
Smith, B. A. (2010) Review of Intonation in the Grammar of English by M. A. K. Halliday and William S. Greaves. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 4.1.
Colloquia, conference presentations, invited seminars and lectures
2022 Presentation, Forum on Sound Semiotics and Systemic Phonology (30 Nov-3rd Dec), Australian Catholic University, North Sydney.
2022 Workshop (with Lilian Ariztimuño), Forum on Sound Semiotics and Systemic Phonology (30 Nov-3rd Dec), Australian Catholic University, North Sydney.
2020 Presentation, Intonation beyond clause semantics: Discourse functions of TONE, SFL Pre-conference Institute - Vietnam International Linguistics Conference.
2019 Presentation, Choosing in the textual metafunction: Periodic systems of English. Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ASFLA) conference.
2017 Colloquium (with James Martin, Claire Painter, Michele Zappavigna, Thu Ngo, Sue Hood). 'Body language from an SFL perspective: Theorisation and application.' Transforming Contexts: 44th International Systemic Functional Congress. University of Wollongong.
2015. Conference presentation (with Anna Hampson-Lundh). 'The affordances of intonation in talking books.' DOCAM 2015, the 12th annual meeting of the Document Academy. University of Technology Sydney.
2014 Seminar. ‘Putting it all together: Multimodal approaches to multimodality'. ECU Twilight Seminar Series: Genre-based literacy programs.
2013 Conference presentation (with Beverley Webster). 'Tutoring In Higher Education I: Tutoring In Higher Education And Student Perceptions'. Higher Education Research and the Student Learning Experience in Business (HERSLEB), University of Melbourne.
2013 Conference Presentation (with Verity Haring and Han Zhang). 'Tutoring In Higher Education II: The Roles And Experiences Of Peer Tutors And New Tutors'. Higher Education Research and the Student Learning Experience in Business (HERSLEB), University of Melbourne
2013 Conference Presentation (with Mark King). 'Principles of E-teaching in Higher Education'. Higher Education Research and the Student Learning Experience in Business (HERSLEB), University of Melbourne.
2013 Workshop (with Mark King). 'Giving Feedback. Tutoring in Higher Education Program'. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne.
2013 Plenary (with M. Debashish & W. S. Greaves). The Many Lives of a Written Text: Interpreting a Sonnet into Speech. 9th International Congress on English Grammar. Vellore, India.
2013 4-day Course for English teachers (with M. Debashish & W. S. Greaves). Course on Intonation, Praat and Corpus Tools. As part of 9th International Congress on English Grammar. Vellore, India.
2010 Colloquium (with Kay O’Halloran, Alexey Podlasov and Stefano Fasciani). ‘Managing the complexity: Challenges to Multimodal Studies’. 5th International Congress on Multimodality, UTS Sydney.
2010 Invited Lecture. ‘Intonation as resource’, Topics in English Language: Systemic Functional Grammar, National University of Singapore.
2010 Workshop (with W. S. Greaves, M. Debashish and B. Ho). ‘How to develop skill in intonation analysis’, Sixth International Congress on English Grammar, Erode, India.
2009 Colloquium, with K. L. O’Halloran, S. Tan & A. Podlasov. ‘Multimodal semiotics in the digital age’, 10th World Congress of Semiotics, A Coruna, Spain.
2009 Colloquium (with K. L. O’Halloran, S. Tan & A. Podlasov). ‘Multimodal analysis: Technology, theory and practice’, 36th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2009 Invited Seminar. ‘What gets written down: Writing and speech inside and outside of the classroom’, English Language Teaching Seminar (ELTS), Ministry of Education, Singapore.
2009 Invited Lecture. ‘Multimodality and spoken language’, Explorations in Applied Linguistics: Multimodality. National University of Singapore.
2007 Invited Seminar. ‘Intonational systems: Multidimensional perspectives’, Centre for Language and Social Life, Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney.
2007 Invited Seminar. ‘Register variation: Intonational systems’, Linguistics Seminar Series, Sydney University, Sydney.
2006 Plenary (co-presented with W. S. Greaves). International Congress on English Grammar, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.