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"I am really happy and satisfied with Brad’s proofreading and editing service. He did an outstanding job and ensured my PhD thesis writing quality was at its best. I had my 70,000 word PhD thesis edited promptly and to an exceptional standard. It sped up my completion date and helped me to finish on time, which is the most important thing. Brad offered a fantastic service with excellent communication, so I was informed at each stage of the process. I appreciated not only the professional help that was given throughout, but also the continuous support and encouragement from the editor. I should also comment on the excellent feedback I received from one examiner: “The thesis was extremely well structured. The writing style is excellent. Great care has been taken with the thesis in terms of proof reading”. I would like to commend Brad on this count. Thanks very much for your help, and I will continue to recommend Semiosmith Editing Services to everyone looking for a professional, fast and reliable editing service." - Luisa, Melbourne.


“My name is Pattama Patpong. I am a lecturer in Linguistics at Mahidol University, Thailand. I graduated from Macquarie University in 2006. As a Thai native speaker studying overseas, I wrote a thesis as a requirement of a PhD degree from Macquarie University. However, I had got into serious difficulties in doing my own editing. My English skill was limited when it came to making all chapters coherent and making each chapter grammatically correct and acceptable to a native speaker of English. To deal with this unavoidable difficulty, Professor Christian Matthiessen, my PhD thesis supervisor, suggested to me to find a native speaker of English to edit my thesis. Here there came “Brad Smith”. It was good timing. Brad had just started his PhD and I was in the final stage of writing a thesis. I submitted a draft of my thesis chapters. After Brad read my chapters, we arranged several meetings to clarify and discuss my chapters and writing style. During those joyful meetings, I learnt four skills naturally and comprehensively. Listening and speaking skills were learnt through interactive discussions. Reading and writing skills, of course, were learnt through editing and consulting processes. Brad also taught me some English grammar rules that Thai native speakers always have problems with, such as articles, prepositions, and defining and non-defining relative clauses. Those grammatical rules are still left in my comprehension and are refreshed and reminded when I write a journal article or an academic essay. The Semiosmith Editing and Consulting Services are offered both in non-distance (in-person interaction) and distance modes. As for distance consultation mode, at present it is perfectly possible to do a face-to-face editing process and consultation via technological facilities such as Skype. Based on Brad’s five steps of editing and consulting services (Reading ⎯ Making understanding of grammatical patterns to be revised ⎯ Commenting ⎯ Face-to-Face discussion ⎯ Comprehensively responding to what are advised), writers will not miss any key steps that are acquired and required for editing and consulting processes. As one of Brad’s service recipients and a first-hand experienced PhD writer, if you are looking for a comprehensive, interactive, and user friendly editing and consulting service, I would recommend “Semiosmith Editing and Consulting Services” in the strongest terms. You would gain not only a good academic product but you will also gain English language tools that can be applied to your future writing across all contexts.” - Jor, Thailand, Australia.


"Brad provided me an outstanding and professional service with regards to proofreading and editing. He worked in the best interests of his client and made sure the writing quality and formatting are at their best. I also highly appreciate his working style and the working plan and schedule that he set up for editing my PhD thesis. Brad helped me to edit individual chapters and then the whole thesis altogether. With that plan, I was confident to be on the right track for my Chapters, and could rest assured the proofreading at the end would be smooth, rather than adding a big task to the stressful finishing stage. The schedule set up with Brad worked exceptionally well for me, it really motivated me to complete my thesis earlier without hurdle. The professional linguistic advice from him indeed helped me not only with my thesis, but also improved my writing quality later on.

I can’t thank Brad enough for his excellent service and will keep recommending Semiosmith Editing Services to my friends, colleagues and any PhD students at their pre-submission stage."

Huong, Melbourne.


“Brad was my colleague at the National University of Singapore. He was a research fellow at the Multimodal Analysis Lab while I was doing my PhD in the lab, which gave me the opportunity to learn about Brad and his writing.

While we were in the lab, my supervisor always made comments at the end of lab seminars: ‘Brad is so good with writing’. How good is ‘so good’? I had no idea at all as a non-native speaker of English. I was lucky enough to gradually develop a clear definition of being ‘good’ with writing through Brad’s revision suggestions on my paper and thesis. Being good, as far as Brad’s writing is concerned, means to argue with concrete but concise language following a paradigm-specific but also reader-friendly logic.

Brad is not only a good writer himself, but also a good mentor of writing. He does not stop at polishing my words, phrases or sentences. But rather, as an experienced research writer, he identifies hidden strong arguments in my somewhat messy drafts. Each time when I read his revision suggestions, it felt like a mind-blowing experience: “Ah, yes, this is exactly what I intended to argue! Why can’t I organize my thoughts in such a neat way?!”  With micro and macro revision suggestions from Brad on my paper (which is published in the journal Semiotica) and my thesis (for which I got straight A+ from reviewers), I find myself a better academic writer.

I would like to quote a sentence from my thesis acknowledgement to conclude my impressions about Brad’s writing: ‘I am greatly indebted to the lab research fellow Dr. Bradley Smith, who offered constructive suggestions on the study and expert advice in the revision of the thesis. Brad, thank you very much indeed for constantly encouraging, pushing and helping me with my writing, even when you were back to Australia.'”

Yiqiong, China, Singapore.

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